Exam Codes and Dates

Find out about the exams you will need to sit and how to prepare for the day.
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Course codes

Look up the codes of the course you are studying so that you can book your examination.

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Exam codes

Check the exam codes of your course so you know the correct papers that you must sit for your qualification.


Check the dates

We have shown the dates for exams here but these are subject to change. Check with the centre where you are sitting your exam to be sure.

On the Exam Day

On your exam day you need to ensure you are prepared. All of your revision should be out of the way and you will need to make sure you have all the required information to sit the examination.

First off, you will need identification to sit your exam. This can be a passport or a driving license and must be in date. You can also take your statement of entry but this is not necessary if you do not have it. All pencil cases should be clear and you are not allowed any pieces of paper with writing on unless specifically told you are allowed these. Black pens should be used and any water bottles should have the labels removed.

If you are allowed a calculator for the paper you are sitting, you should ensure the model is allowed by the exam board. Any other instruments should be taken with you such as a protractor or compass if these are required.

Finally, make sure you get to the exam at least 30 minutes early. If you are late it is unlikely you will still be allowed to sit the examination and all your preparation will be for nothing.

During your Examination

When doing your examinations you need to ensure that you abide by the rules of the centre. If you break the rules (for example, speak to other candidates) you will run the risk of having your paper cancelled.

At all times you should be quiet and respectful of those in the exam hall. If you have an issue, you need to raise your hand and wait for an invigilator to come over and help. Some exam halls can be quite cold or hot so make sure you wear plenty of layers so that you will not be too hot or cold. Go to the toilet before the exam starts so that no time is wasted once the exam is in progress.

Keep an eye on the time (a clock will be made visible to you) so that you know how long you have left. Make sure that you split your time up wisely and read all the questions carefully that are on the paper. When beginning the exam, an invigilator will clearly tell you that the exam has started. If this is not clear- raise your hand and ask so that you avoid opening the paper before the allocated time. You will not be able to take any materials out of the exam hall- this will include your paper or any spare pieces of paper used.